Project Overview

Gearbox is a generalized leverage protocol that allows passive liquidity providers to earn APY by providing single-asset liquidity to those who want leverage.

The goal of this project is to make existing single-sided passive pools on Gearbox ( compliant with ERC-4626 and create a path forward to easily support additional passive pools in the future. Documentation on these passive pools can be found here:

Pools & APY


There are 5 particular pools on Ethereum at the moment that are of interest:

  1. WETH

PoolService | Address 0xB03670c20F87f2169A7c4eBE35746007e9575901 | Etherscan

  1. wstETH

PoolService | Address 0xB8cf3Ed326bB0E51454361Fb37E9E8df6DC5C286 | Etherscan

  1. USDC

PoolService | Address 0x86130bDD69143D8a4E5fc50bf4323D48049E98E4 | Etherscan

  1. DAI

PoolService | Address 0x24946bCbBd028D5ABb62ad9B635EB1b1a67AF668 | Etherscan

  1. wBTC

PoolService | Address 0xB2A015c71c17bCAC6af36645DEad8c572bA08A08 | Etherscan

The relevant portion of the Github repository for pools can be found here:

core-v2/PoolService.sol at main ยท Gearbox-protocol/core-v2